Justin skriver autografer i Miami

3.2 - Justin åker skateboard

4.2 - Selena solar i Brasilien

2.2 - Justin på ett plan

1.2 - Selena vinkar till fans i peru!

1.2 - Justin åker skateboard i Miami

31.1 - Justin i Miami

31.1 - Selena träffar fans! [VIDEO]
31.1 - Selena shoppar i Chile

Justin springer från paparazzis!
Alfredo skrev såhär om händelsen:
"You know what makes me upset?! The paparazzi ruin it for the fans. It’s just not fair. When there are like 10-20 fans wanting pictures and autographs but then on the other side they are about 30-40 paparazzi waiting to enclose Justin in a circle and snap 1 million pictures… the kid has no choice but to run. He wants to see the fans and say hello but he can’t because the paparazzi. So for everyone who was there… from the both of us, Sorry. "
Justin på flygplatsen i frankrike

28.1 - Justin lämnar en toalett
27.1 - Selena @ Mexicos Citys flygplats

27.1 - Justin Bieber @ Los Angeles International Airport

Justin i porto Rico någon dag sedan